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Conjugación de strengthen

to strengthenfortalecer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I strengthenyo fortalezco
you strengthentú fortaleces
he strengthensél fortalece
she strengthensella fortalece
we strengthennosotros fortalecemos
you strengthenvosotros fortalecéis
they strengthenellos fortalecen
they strengthenellas fortalecen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I strengthenedyo fortalecí
you strengthenedtú fortaleciste
he strengthenedél fortaleció
she strengthenedella fortaleció
we strengthenednosotros fortalecimos
you strengthenedvosotros fortalecisteis
they strengthenedellos fortalecieron
they strengthenedellas fortalecieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have strengthenedyo he fortalecido
you have strengthenedtú has fortalecido
he has strengthenedél ha fortalecido
she has strengthenedella ha fortalecido
we have strengthenednosotros hemos fortalecido
you have strengthenedvosotros habéis fortalecido
they have strengthenedellos han fortalecido
they have strengthenedellas han fortalecido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had strengthenedyo había fortalecido
you had strengthenedtú habías fortalecido
he had strengthenedél había fortalecido
she had strengthenedella había fortalecido
we had strengthenednosotros habíamos fortalecido
you had strengthenedvosotros habíais fortalecido
they had strengthenedellos habían fortalecido
they had strengthenedellas habían fortalecido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will strengthenyo fortaleceré
you will strengthentú fortalecerás
he will strengthenél fortalecerá
she will strengthenella fortalecerá
we will strengthennosotros fortaleceremos
you will strengthenvosotros fortaleceréis
they will strengthenellos fortalecerán
they will strengthenellas fortalecerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have strengthenedyo habré fortalecido
you will have strengthenedtú habrás fortalecido
he will have strengthenedél habrá fortalecido
she will have strengthenedella habrá fortalecido
we will have strengthenednosotros habremos fortalecido
you will have strengthenedvosotros habréis fortalecido
they will have strengthenedellos habrán fortalecido
they will have strengthenedellas habrán fortalecido

I would strengthenyo fortalecería
you would strengthentú fortalecerías
he would strengthenél fortalecería
she would strengthenella fortalecería
we would strengthennosotros fortaleceríamos
you would strengthenvosotros fortaleceríais
they would strengthenellos fortalecerían
they would strengthenellas fortalecerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have strengthenedyo habría fortalecido
you would have strengthenedtú habrías fortalecido
he would have strengthenedél habría fortalecido
she would have strengthenedella habría fortalecido
we would have strengthenednosotros habríamos fortalecido
you would have strengthenedvosotros habríais fortalecido
they would have strengthenedellos habrían fortalecido
they would have strengthenedellas habrían fortalecido

Participio presenteAnotado
strengthening fortaleciendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
strengthened fortalecido

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